Veggie Pasta

I’ve waited on getting a veggie pasta maker for awhile because I thought to myself I could just use a carrot peeler. Unfortunately for my wallet, but fortunately for my belly Ollie’s Market had one for 5.00 something with tax.


This made me do a Happy dance because I love pasta. Due to IBS and gluten intolerance, I can’t enjoy pasta without bloating & getting sick. After I got my pasta maker, I took hubby to the grocery store to pick up zucchini, cucumbers, olives and Italian salad dressing. After messing with the length and size of noodles I put together this awesome pasta!


If you like a little Crunch to your salad, we love Synders pretzels at our home.


These buttermilk ranch pretzels were on sale at Ollie’s for 1.89 a bag!

Italian Pasta Salad
1 Zucchini
2 Cucumbers
1 Carrot
A squeeze of Italian dressing
1 container black olives

Cut, Toss, Mix and Serve Cool

Give me some ideas on what you do with Pasta! I used left over organic veggies and chicken and gave my puppies an afternoon small snack(without pretzels, olives and dressing).
Padfoot and KyloRen ate it up! Yum!


The other day my son made me really proud. He saw beauty supplies store near our house and he said “What’s beauty world?”
I explained why people shop their and his response was
“I feel like that just hurts people, to tell them they’re not perfectly fine the way they are naturally.”
That made me so proud as a mom to be able to hear that from him. If I haven’t done anything right as a parent, he has proven that he has his own strong opinions of beauty.
With the video from Adina Rivers and her husband Oliver, I hope we can all she’d from fabric skin this week. Feel good in the skin your were born in.


A lot of my issues stem from trust problems. I can’t blame any one particular spot in my life, because my gullibility was taken advantage of frequently. I let these processes dull my senses, I made excuses to not confront feelings or hurt or betrayal. In hindsight I think I believed “If I convince my self that I am the negative people say, it can no longer hurt me.”

It’s really, really hard to get back up if you let everyone label you. You know who you are,an if you are not bonded by a God by religion, think back on childhood. Child like faith that you maybe had in an idol, or sport or person, GIVE IT BACK TO YOURSELF. As much as I am compelled to ask you, find a good nondenominational church, I am just as much compelled to ask you to believe in LIFE.


When I let go of stigma, I allowed myself to love and trust again. I am with my soul mate because I took back and owned my faith in love.

Anyone can say whatever they want about you, but YOU WAKE UP TO YOU daily! You have a heart that defies gravity. The very act of your heartbeat is amazing. You are amazing!
If you’re selfish, or free lover! If you’re a grade A student or a hard worker! If you’re inventive or you go with the flow!

Each an every person is so unique and getting up every day, is a little gift you give yourself.
Don’t give your gift away, look at yourself, and say
HELLO Miracle!”

Truth is

Tomorrow I go to get blood drawn to see what’s going on with my thyroid an if I am considered diabetic. I pray and hope that’s not the case, but I also know over the years I should have paid attention to health. We get wrapped up in trying to keep up with others we forget to keep ourselves whole.

I’ve lost my mind and my muchness as the mad hatter would say. Trying to give my son a “family” make sure he wasn’t in a bad public education setting and trying to keep up with what people said “I should provide for him as a parent.”
Forgetting to keep in mind my health has been pretty close to horrible after my cancer diagnosis. Surgeries and hospital visits…

I was so wrapped up in my son doing activities and keeping up with other people’s parenting. I have completely forgotten that he needs and wants me around. That he is happy with how his life is and he hates that I get upset when someone or something makes me feel bad as a parent.

I am going to be more proactive this year in preventive care. I may go back to an obgyn  (not sure I’m ready for that yet) . I know I need to be there for him, because I love him, and he’s my soul purpose to not giving up.

Forget keeping up with the Jones, I need to keep up with me and mine.

What my fasting has taught me

1. I have horrible vocabulary struggles. I know better.

2. I was made to believe in my abilities thru God. I should pray more

3. Pray more

4. Use discernment when it comes to people,trips,ideas.

5. Have Crazy faith

6. Do, even when you just feel like sleeping in

7. Rest

8. Read scripture more

9. Have time to yourself

10. Go to see a doctor

How’s shaping your year? Tell me about it.

Fasting 5 & six-Faith or lack there of

Sometimes when faced with life’s challenges I think we stop midway and say, “God I can’t.”
    He knows these struggles, which is the reason why God said to Moses in Ezekiel,  “Tell them I AM sent you.” Exodus 3:14
    When Moses told God he alone wouldn’t be enough. Moses had so much going for him, in essence he was what we would call a powerful leader. He too, even felt down an out about his character.

   It takes enormous faith for some of us to get out of bed in the morning. To ignore all the Can’t, Couldn’t and Won’t. It’s good to look in our bibles and remind ourselves of God’s promises.
Isaiah 41:10

Fasting Day 4-Vegas City

I was recently presented with a chance to care for a young dog battling cancer. I can’t imagine what he’s feeling. If he understands how much his owners love him. I know when I went thru treatment, all I could think was “God what is this fresh hell.”
I haven’t met him and his sister yet. His parents say he’s full of love and loves to play. When I pray about it, sometimes I ask God, why can’t we as people have animal type faith. We moan and groan about so little. Here is this pup who has no idea why life has changed, but he still plays and runs around. I am excited to meet Vegas and his family. I am humbled by the chance.

Gratitude for life takes on a new meaning every day.

Fasting Day 3 Growth

I am hoping to  make a life in 2016 that I don’t want to vacation from. These plans including road trips,camping, more dog sits and all around getting to know each other better. People in families grow and change. Our wants and dreams are different. I think together doing things we’ve never done before will be a great experience.
       Fasting until 1 has been different. I pick the time as far as I can go that day with my stomach condition. I’m praying for guidance on what I am called to do. Everything tastes different. Always when I fast when I have something to eat, I am bodily reminded to be grateful. Many go without food or water to drink an I am reminded to not buy that candy bar or soda because I can’t have it. Many can’t have it any day and would rather replace it with something their whole family can have. I plan to give more this year.

I hope you all have a new year where some mornings you can look like this…


And find rest in your start.

Remember we think about and pray for all of our friends online! Let us know about your new adventures! We enjoy them.

Fighting with Flowers day 2 Fast

I want to direct the negativity that comes toward me from others with positivity. I want to stop it at the door and great it with love. I want true change this year, and with everything I feel needs to be done, I’m going to give praises for what’s present. If I feel depressed or defeated, I am going to spend more time with God.

2 Chronicles 2:20-22

Giving up the battles burdens and fighting with Love.