Vape Jazz Churrios


I’ve had a pretty interesting birthday week. From elevated Liver enzymes to needing another ultrasound to going out with my family an enjoying flavored popcorn. I can say it’s been adventurous an my actual birthday is Friday.
   I’ve had a bit of a head cold so vaping has been minimal. I started to get over being cranky to wondering if I’d ever Vape again. Last night my husband gave me two new Vape juices. I love Horchata so only appropriate that I’d want to get my hands on Churrios. Sore throat or none, I wanted to Vape it so bad.

Hands down, my favorite Vape reminding me of my favorite drink!
At 99% VG its easy on the throat and your instantly brought nostalgic flavor.
Your mind gets creative and thinks:
What if I mixed cinnamon Cheerios with a bowl of cold Horchata?
Churrios milkman can be bought here at DripClub

The cloud production at 16 watts is ridiculous an I don’t even chase clouds. Even with a cold this Vape doesn’t irritate my sinuses or bother me much. I’m so glad my husband got this! Even though it’s more on the expensive side, I have to say this is my favorite cinnamon milk vape.

Have you tried this?
Tell me what you think!

By the way loves! Join and fight for your right to Vape!

Casaa Here!

Vape Jazz


Recently there was an offer on my belly card for a free Savage Vape. I’m not a huge fan of breaking bad, so I thought I might just get one based on a flavor I might like. I went to the shop go find out it was a free Vape Juice with purchase. Hubby ended up with the Savage Juice. Always a catch….

However I was suggested the element line and out of the two I wanted to try, the man cracked open Crema first. Now, I’ve only had two tiramisu Vapes so I guess you can say it might be bias. My first was Smax Mafia Princess which ran about 22.00 here.
  Crema at 13.00 a bottle, hands down is my favorite. From the light espresso flavor inhale to mascapone cheese cream exhale. If you have a tiramisu addiction, this may be your diet Vape.

It’s a drip liquid only it seems at my local shop and almost completely Max VG. As for clouds, I Vape at a pretty low wattage and get decent clouds on this exhale. get your Crema here

I recently had an endoscopy so my vaping has been at an all time low with migraines following the anaesthetics. However can’t wait to get back to this Vape an enjoy my Italian favorite where ever I go.

What’s your favorite dessert/coffee Vape? 

Vape Jazz Saturday-The Lost Fog

Cosmic Fog has to be one of the first vape brands I fell in love with. Recently I had been gifted with a bottle of the lost fog Streak.

Get Lost Fog

Why Streak? I don’t know.
However I will try any yogurt except ones made from the human body… At least once. I like vegan yogurts and fruit yogurts.


I feel like Streak really hits the nail on the head with the strawberry Greek yogurt taste. I actually want to go an buy some to enjoy with this vape.
Maybe I’m bias because Cosmic Fog was my first vape love. Ever since I saw its cute little logo and sampled most of their flavors. I guess you can say I’m a fan girl.

Who cares?!?

I really enjoy this vape because the flavor notes are THERE!
Have you tried any lost fog vapes? What is your favorite yogurt vape?