Vape Jazz Churrios


I’ve had a pretty interesting birthday week. From elevated Liver enzymes to needing another ultrasound to going out with my family an enjoying flavored popcorn. I can say it’s been adventurous an my actual birthday is Friday.
   I’ve had a bit of a head cold so vaping has been minimal. I started to get over being cranky to wondering if I’d ever Vape again. Last night my husband gave me two new Vape juices. I love Horchata so only appropriate that I’d want to get my hands on Churrios. Sore throat or none, I wanted to Vape it so bad.

Hands down, my favorite Vape reminding me of my favorite drink!
At 99% VG its easy on the throat and your instantly brought nostalgic flavor.
Your mind gets creative and thinks:
What if I mixed cinnamon Cheerios with a bowl of cold Horchata?
Churrios milkman can be bought here at DripClub

The cloud production at 16 watts is ridiculous an I don’t even chase clouds. Even with a cold this Vape doesn’t irritate my sinuses or bother me much. I’m so glad my husband got this! Even though it’s more on the expensive side, I have to say this is my favorite cinnamon milk vape.

Have you tried this?
Tell me what you think!

By the way loves! Join and fight for your right to Vape!

Casaa Here!