Vape Jazz Saturday

A day or so after getting my Arctic tank I got a nice surprise.


I love peanut butter flavored anything. I try to be careful around kid places in case a child is allergic to peanuts because I’m aware some vapes have caused reactions to people.
However that being said,
Best peanut butter and jelly vape thus far. Each inhale gives you The peanut butter while The exhale notes of grape jelly. Not medicine grape either, grape jelly!
Vape PB&Jesus Here

The Arctic tank changes from liquid to liquid pretty easily. I have had few issues with tasting eliquids since getting this tank.
I’m still using my HexOhm V.2 while using my EgoOne at home or at theme parks.
I hope you all are having a great summer! Let me know what your summer all day vapes are!