John 16:7 Till that day comes

Think about the amazing thing Jesus is asking us to do in this scripture?!? Asking us to not only turn to Him, but as the Body of Christ to be able to turn to One Another. Think about how much society in the last 15 years has helped us do the opposite.
Almost everything is self serving. When my husband once saw a servicing gas station he was shocked. He don’t know there was once a time, someone pumped gas for people.
      I am quick to always do things all on my own. I struggled with it so much, I had to have surgery to fix a stomach blockage. A stomach blockage made worse by a hernia I got from being so selfish I didn’t want to ask for help. In turn after the surgery, I needed help with almost everything. Asking my husband to do simple things all because I couldn’t, made me appreciate the gift of having him in my life. I look back on that and see where God was working with me to be humbled in that area of my life.

    When I think of needing, I think of my son. He is always asking questions and learning


There are times where I see him get frustrated with himself for not knowing automatically what to do. I know that public school an impatient society has put that burden on him. I always remind him to stop and pray. Breath and meditate on what God asks of us. I always think it’s beautiful when he reminds me God and what God wants for me too.
      He asks us to have child like faith. That includes communicating everything! You say “well, He’s God, He knows.” but He wants us to come broken and ready for His truth. To accept the bible and EVERYTHING He says about us in it.
    We the Body of Christ, thoroughly need each other to act out Jesus’s will. We honestly, truly can Pioneer together.